Yoga Essence Logo


The Fragrance of Awakening

Wellbeing Mindfulness Meditation Courses

Meditative Therapies for Emotional Wellbeing & Awakening

Meditation Teacher Training Courses India

Specialised Yoga Teacher Training Courses India

Yoga Nidra Teacher Training India

Explore & Experience your Journey of Emotional Wellness, Inner Wellbeing, Harmonious Living
& Awakening with Bodhi Sattva through Meditation Mindfulness, Yoga Nidra and Yoga

Yoga Essence Rishikesh is an Unique Yoga Meditation Training Center in Rishikesh India providing life-affirmative yogic ambiance to experience and dive deeper into the dimensions of our mental health, emotional wellness, inner wellbeing, and awakening to higher consciousness under the Guidance and Presence of Bodhi Sattva. Through holistic and contemporary outlook on meditation, mindfulness, meditative therapies, yoga nidra, kundalini yoga, classical hatha yoga & many more, Bodhi Sattva and team imparting the true essence of yogic science and various forms of yogic practices to the meditation lovers, yoga aspirants, and seekers from all the paths. Our meditation yoga ashram provides high experiential and transformational aspects of meditation teacher training, specialized yoga teacher training, yoga nidra teacher training, wellbeing meditation courses and meditative therapies for learning, experiencing and sharing with Yoga Alliance certification. Our certified courses allow the participants to be a meditation mindfulness teacher or yoga teacher or yoga nidra teacher by experiencing and understanding the central theme, concepts, mechanism of yogic science that allow them to grow more in peace, love, joy, wisdom, compassion.

Bodhi Sattva

Meditation Master & Spiritual Mentor

BodhiSattva is an Experienced Meditation Mindfulness Yoga Nidra Teacher, a Yogi. He is a Mentor of Inner Wellbeing, Emotional Wellness, Holistic Living & Consciousness Awakening. He provides deeper clarity in mastering the true essence of meditation, mindfulness, yoga nidra and hatha yoga.

His teachings mainly focus on the life-affirmative and contemporary dimensions of yogic science and inspire the seekers to go through the transformation of their body, mind emotions for the holistic living, consciousness growth, inner journey, self-enquiry, self-realization. His presence and teachings invite the participants to find their inner wellbeing, peace and balance to experience true love, compassion, wisdom and oneness in life.

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“Path of Yoga is the Path of Wisdom, Seek Experience, not Information.
Seek Wisdom not Knowledge, You will hold the True Essence of Yoga.”
~ Bodhi Sattva

pink lotus

Yoga Essence Ashram Rishikesh

A haven of Blissful Experience, Transformational Learnings & Teachings


Our meditation yoga ashram in Rishikesh provides a firm ground for yoga aspirants, meditation lovers, and seekers on the path from all over the world, to get a deeper learning, understanding, and practical experience of the various forms of yogic practices. Students get the space to learn the science and mechanism of meditation, mindfulness, specialized yoga, and yoga Nidra in their true form.

The dimension of our teachings is to impart the experiential, life-transformational, and spiritual aspects of yogic practices for holistic growth and consciousness journey. All our courses are designed and developed by Lead Meditation Master Swami Bodhi Sattva. Our Courses hold a combination of insights and practices from many ancient and modern traditions and paths that have been imparted for thousands of years by masters and yogis.

Meditation Teacher Training Courses

Meditation Teacher Training India


Meditation is the “master key” or “golden key” which opens doors to all abundance and expansion of life. Being one of the best meditation school in India, we provide a solid foundation to learn and experience the abundance of energy, wisdom, joy and expansion of consciousness through the different types of meditation teacher training courses listed.


Our Meditation TTC program in India is an invitation for all meditation lovers to explore and gain knowledge and experience of various meditation techniques ranging from ancient to contemporary times. Our courses are deeply embodied with experiential and transformational aspects while focusing on one’s conscious inner journey. Our courses cater to all levels of meditation seekers, who are welcome to dive deep and get a glimpse of the vast availability of knowledge, wisdom and experiences to be explored.

Key Features of Meditation Teacher Training

  • Meditation techniques from different traditions and paths
  • A Profound combination of contemporary and ancient meditation practices
  • Mastering guided practices with our specialized Yoga Nidra Training (level I, II, III)
  • Kundalini meditation to work with subtle energy bodies
  • Chakra meditation to deepen the connection with the inner self

Specialized Yoga Teacher Training, India


Yoga is the science of integration & union of body-mind-soul. It teaches us how to integrate our life forces and experience the oneness with divine consciousness. We deliver authentic experiences of yoga and the art of yogic lifestyle through specialized yoga teacher training courses on Kundalini Yoga, Classical Hatha Yoga, Holistic Yoga, and Transformational Yoga. This helps to explore the depths of ancient yogic science with a contemporary outlook, according to each individual’s interest in the journey of Life Transformation, Spiritual Awakening and Self-Realization with Bodhi Sattva.

Key Features of Specialized 200 Yoga Teacher Training

  • Study of Science & Mechanism of Traditional Hatha Yoga
  • Chakras, Kundalini & Subtle energy awakening practices
  • An extra beneficial additional 50 hours of yoga nidra training
  • Experiential & transformational spiritual journey throughout the training
  • Introduction to many contemporary and ancient meditation techniques
Specialized Yoga Teacher Training Courses
Yoga Nidra Teacher Training Courses

Yoga Nidra Teacher Training Courses India


Experience deep relaxation, rejuvenation, healing of the body, mind through yoga nidra. Find your integrity, inner peace and higher meditative state through guided meditation practices. Learn step by step methodology to teach yoga nidra by joining our Yoga Nidra Teacher Training courses with Bodhi Sattva;

Meditation Courses for Wellness,
Mindfulness & Spiritual Awakening

Heal Your Body-Mind-Heart with Meditation & Mindfulness

Apart from our various meditation teacher training programs, our meditation center also offers meditation courses that effectively reduce the high level of stress, anxiety, restlessness and worries in our life.

Emotional imbalances, mental disturbances and lack of clarity are the key factors that hold us back from living our lives fully. Joining the best meditation courses in India and practicing meditation with a group of seekers under the guidance of a meditation master in an ashram atmosphere will quickly reset the button of life by experiencing the right tuning for peaceful and harmonious living. Our meditation courses in Rishikesh greatly support meditation aspirants to move deeper into their consciousness journey & spiritual awakening with Bodhi Sattva.

Meditation Courses for Wellness, Mindfulness & Spiritual Awakening

Meditation Yoga Ashram

A Yogic Living

The whole energy of our meditation yoga ashram is devoted to providing a quality experience in all dimensions to impart yoga as a way of life. Our quality of teachings, accommodation, food and the right yogic ambience is nurtured to fulfil its vital theme of giving students an experiential aspect of yogic practices and a transformational aspect of life.

We are an ashram at heart and believe in providing a disciplined ashram-like environment allowing students to explore deeper into their body, mind, and soul. Our welcoming family-like team is always ready to help and support the all-around growth and make one feel at home for the entire duration. Read More

Accommodation Facility


Yoga Essence provides neat, clean and comfortable accommodation during the training course. Our meditation center is situated in a peaceful, quiet prime location of Lakshman Jhula, which is just 200 meters from the River Ganga. It is surrounded by silent Himalayan mountains and scenic greenery all around. These magnificent mountain views and the refreshing cool breeze from the Ganges help the participants with natural relaxation and meditative awareness.

All the rooms are equipped with modern facilities like an attached bathroom, hot and cold showers, Wi-Fi, filtered drinking water, and more… Our accommodation is provided in a double sharing room or single private room basis.

Ayurvedic Sattvic Diet


At Yoga Essence, our love affair with food starts with a touch of ayurvedic diet science and ends with the sattvic value of food to enhance the healing dimension of our body-mind. Every day, we serve freshly cooked meals which are abundantly nourishing and delicious. Many of our food items are popular traditional recipes from different parts of India. The food is cooked in a simple homely manner with a great loving attitude by the experienced cooks from Himalayan regions. All the vegetables and fruits are freshly procured seasonally and locally for good health and nutritional value. Our diets hold a unique combination of the sattvic value of yogic tradition, and the healthy and healing value of Ayurveda while keeping in mind the value of the modern balanced diet. In this context, a popular Ayurveda proverb says 

“When diet is correct, medicine is of no need. And when the diet is wrong, medicine is of no use.” 
Read more on Sattvic Diet at:
How to Eat Like a Yogi

Words from the hearts of our students

Sharing the Learning Experiences & Inner Journey



yoga pose with blue lotus

Why Learning Yoga Meditation in India is So Beneficial

Balance Your Mind, Body & Soul

INDIA is vibrating with Yogic energy fields. For almost ten thousand years, seekers have reached the ultimate explosion of consciousness here. Because of this reason, it has naturally created a tremendous energy field around the country.  The vibration is still alive, the impact is in the very air; pone just needs a certain perceptivity, a certain capacity to receive the invisible that surrounds this strange land. When we are doing Holistic Yoga Teacher Training and Meditation Teacher Training, we are allowing the real India, the land of inner journey to come in direct contact with us. It is all over the place, one just needs to be attentive! Conscious! Alert!

RISHIKESH is an entry into the deep Himalayas—  a gateway to those seeking to go deeper into their inner journey. It is known as “Tapo-Bhumi” meaning the practice ground of yoga and meditation of many sages and saints since ancient times. Thousands of sages and saints have visited Rishikesh to meditate in search of higher knowledge and Self-realization. The yogic energy fields and the spiritual power of the land make our inner journey easier. One can have the taste of the yogic energy field of Rishikesh India by meditating in many sacred places of Rishikesh. One can also deepen their spiritual journey by joining our 200 hours, 300 hours, 500 hours of meditation training and meditation courses in Rishikesh India or 200 hours, 300 hours specialised yoga training programs in Rishikesh India.

yoga essence rishikesh



At Yoga Essence Ashram, we place unique value on the experiential and life transformational qualities of kundalini yoga, classical hatha yoga, yoga nidra, meditation, and mindfulness. Rather than focusing merely on the informative and technical aspects of the practices we teach, we aim to help students to develop new insights for a peaceful, joyful and harmonious life so they can pass on these insights and help others heal and find a balance in life.

Our yoga and meditation school in India is home to yoga lovers from around the world who have called our programs “a truly spiritual and life transformational”. This is because we take great care to provide a safe, comfortable, and welcoming space for students to work deeply within the layers of their Body-Breath-Mind-Heart for the expansion of Consciousness.

Yoga Essence has got special expertise and status for imparting high-standard meditation TTC programs and specialised yoga TTC programs based on many higher yogic practices like Meditation, Yoga Nidra, and guided relaxation. Our teachings impart practices on chakras body and kundalini, yoga psychology, yoga philosophy and many more. Hence, all our specialised yoga teacher training courses and meditation teacher training courses at Yoga Essence transmit the high experiential and transformational value of the eight limbs of yoga as outlined by Rishi Patanjali.

Yoga Essence Team

Sharing Universal Wisdom & Peaceful Living


Yes, it would be wise to join meditation teacher training or yoga teacher training to deepens your practice and skill of meditation or yoga for integrating and harmonizing your body-mind-heart. Your experiences in meditation or yoga will move to the next level by practicing with group energy and also with the support of experienced teachers. Our meditation teacher training India or yoga teacher training course also focuses greatly on the need of seekers and aspirants of yoga and meditation to take their understanding deeper into yogic science and inner journey.

Yes, you can start your meditation journey or yoga journey by joining 200 hours meditation teacher training course or 200 hours yoga teacher training Rishikesh. 200 hours teacher training programs provide a great opportunity to a newcomer for a systematic, scientific, and stepwise introduction to the foundations of meditation or yoga. For the newcomers, these 200 hours training courses can develop a great clarity of yogic science by getting the right understanding in respect of yoga psychology, philosophy and practical dimensions. This helps a newcomer to start and give right direction to his yogic journey.

To become an internationally certified meditation or yoga teacher, you should join first a 200 hours meditation teacher training course or a 200 hours yoga teacher from a Registered Yoga School (RYS) of Yoga Alliance. After successful completion of its curriculum and the course you will be entitled with 200 hours yoga teacher training or 200 hours meditation teacher training certification of Yoga Alliance, USA. With 200 hours meditation or yoga training certification, you can teach all over the world. You are also eligible for a registered yoga teacher (RYT) with this 200 hours certification at Yoga Alliance USA.

Yes, we do have a pick-up service facility from the airport. Our known taxi person can pick you up from either the nearest international airport i.e., New Delhi airport or the nearest domestic airport i.e., Dehradun Airport having placard mentioning your name and Yoga Essence Rishikesh.

Yes, we do provide homemade, freshly cooked  Ayurvedic Sattvic Foods that are Vegan and gluten-free.

An ashram provides a unique ambience for learning and experiencing Yoga, Meditation and the yogic lifestyle. Something which is generally lacking in cities. It is a place that provides a yogic atmosphere in a pure and pristine form to detox and restores the natural rhythm of body, mind, heart and emotions. An ashram helps individuals who want to dive deeper into their inner selves and explore the subtler aspects of life. An ashram is also a place to experience and explore the dimension of the body, the energy, the mind and of the emotions, for attaining self-realization or attaining Samadhi. The programs offered at an ashram cater to consciousness growth, and mindfulness journeys, for seekers from all paths of life.

When we think of intensive Sadhana (self-practice) to deepen the experiential aspects of yogic practices, mindfulness journey, consciousness growth, and spiritual awakening –Yoga and Meditation Ashram is the most suitable place.


At Yoga Essence Ashram, one can easily experience a positive way of living, relieve stress and tensions, revitalize one's energy and reach the peak transformative change in life which is missed out in our daily busy lives and social activities. The yogic ambience, energy and vibration of Yoga Essence allow the participants to go for a deeper transformation of the body, mind, heart and emotions. The soothing environment, the ayurvedic and sattvic healing food, the powerful insights and wisdom shared, and the personal guidance of the lead teacher makes the journey more at ease and relaxed.


The intensive programs and courses offered at Yoga Essence Ashram, bring balance and harmony to the body, mind, heart and emotions while removing all distractions. This greatly helps one to focus on one’s spiritual and conscious quest.

Meditation means to be in a deeply relaxed, restful, and aware state where we experience a deep presence of ourselves and our surroundings. Meditation is a state of awareness that makes us realize that “I am not the body, I am not the mind, I am not even the feelings, I am pure presence, a transcendental state of body-mind-heart”. When this awareness goes deeper, Learn More…

Meditation for beginners should be easy to understand and easy to do in less time and support. These practices should also be short, and sharp which can be used in most daily activities.

Remember, the meditation practice explained below are simple and suitable for the contemporary lifestyle and beginners to meditation. These mindfulness practices help to a great extent to release your accumulated tensions, and stress from the body-mind-heart. These practices help to stay relaxed, restful, mindful and awake throughout the day.

Now we will discuss in detail the step-by-step methods of 7 simple and easy-to-do mindfulness meditations for beginners. Learn More…

Meditation is a skilful act of silencing our mind to remove unnecessary thoughts that just add noise and disrupts our peace. Learn More…

For a layman or beginners to meditation, meditation means sitting silently, closing the eyes and watching the breath or watching the thoughts or fixing the mind at a particular point. Though from the surface these look very simple and easy to do, it is only when we start practicing them, we realize how difficult or almost impossible it is Learn More…


Nowadays, modern man faces many forms of health crises like high levels of stress, tension, anxiety, depression, and emotional imbalances that quickly turn into many chronic, fatal physical & mental diseases. Without exceptions, everybody is looking for some sort of remedies or solutions for the following questions:

How to find the physical, psychological & emotional balances?
How to get relief from the high-level stress, anxiety, and tensions?
How to stay healthy, happy & peaceful?
How to stay creative & equanimous during a challenging period?
How to find higher clarity and integrity, and be decisive in adverse situations?

The answers to the above questions point towards meditation, a time-tested and scientifically proven yogic tool. For thousands of years, masters and yogis from different traditions have been using meditation as an effective practice to attain physical, mental, and emotional well-being and attain a higher state of consciousness. Meditation is one of the ancient yogic practices that has been helping & serving human beings to find health, happiness & peace:

To make Meditation a part and parcel of life and to bring meditation practice into daily life, one needs to learn and understand the science and mechanism of Meditation from an experienced Meditation teacher under his direct physical guidance. For this reason, it is wise to join long-duration mediation courses or mediation TTC programs to learn different types of mediation techniques in detail and experience the transformation of one’s body, mind, heart, and energy. The online or offline meditation courses and meditation TTC of Yoga Essence incorporate many forms of active expressive mediation practice, silent guided relaxation meditation practices and breathing mediation practices from many prominent ancient and contemporary mediation schools, paths & traditions. 

One can also join our live streaming online meditation teacher training programs or online meditation course which is very suitable for the modern man, especially for those who live and work a sedentary lifestyle. It is a great opportunity for those who want to learn the science of Meditation and practice under the guidance of a lead mediation master from home and bring back their health, happiness, and peace.




To make mediation part and parcel of life and bring the meditation practice into daily life, one needs to learn and understand the science and mechanism of meditation from an experienced mediation teacher under his direct physical guidance. For that, it is wise to join long-duration mediation courses or mediation ttc programs to learn different types of mediation techniques in detail and experience the transformation of one’s body, mind, heart, and energy. The online or offline meditation courses and meditation ttc of Yoga Essence Rishikesh incorporate many forms of active expressive mediation practice, silent guided relaxation meditation practices, breathing mediation practices from many prominent ancient and contemporary mediation traditions, paths, schools. One can join our live streaming online meditation ttc in India or online mediation course which is very suitable for the modern man and his lifestyle especially for those who are doing more sitting. It is a great opportunity for those who want to learn the science of meditation and practice under the guidance of lead mediation master from home and bring back their health, happiness, peace from their home:

Online Meditation Class →