200 Hatha Yoga Teacher
yoga pose with blue lotus


Classical Hatha Yoga | Meditation | Mindfulness | Yoga Nidra | Spiritual Awakening | Yoga Psychology
High Experiential & Transformational Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Courses

Are you looking for a solid foundation for your learning, practice, and teaching of classical hatha yoga?

Are you looking for quality hatha yoga ttc to enhance your credibility as a well-trained yoga teacher?

Do you want to learn the science of subtle energy and traditional hatha yoga in their depth and dimensions?

Do you want to experience hatha yoga & raja yoga in a dedicated teacher- students group energy setup?

Are you looking for a deeper spiritual journey and consciousness growth through hatha yoga and raja yoga?

Yoga Essence Rishikesh, a well-known meditation and yoga ashram in India invites sincere yoga aspirants to develop a solid foundation of Traditional Hatha Yoga along with Raja Yoga through our 200 hours and 300 hours Hatha Yoga Teacher Training courses in Rishikesh India. We share the Classical Hatha Yoga in its authentic form with the modern scientific outlook for those who are open to exploring the hidden dimensions of subtle life forces and energies.

A true mindfulness journey that leads the yoga seekers to manifest a peaceful, joyful, and harmonious life by transforming their body, mind, and heart with help of varieties of classical and contemporary yogic practices. Our hatha yoga teacher training course holds a unique synthesis of practices from Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Yoga Psychology, and many more to impart high experiential and transformational aspects of yoga to the seekers and yoga aspirants. With the loving Guidance and Grace of Bodhi Sattva, the founder and lead mediation master with a committed teaching team, our focus is to provide a dedicated guidance and ashram ambiance to the students to learn and explore varieties of yogic practices with a well-balanced nutritious ayurvedic sattvic diet. Our 200 hours & 300 hours Hatha Yoga TTC open up a unique opportunity for the participants to experience and understand the science of hath yoga, raja yoga, energy awakening, consciousness growth, and spiritual journey. Our teaching holds a strong base to express the truth of your heart, the ideas of your mind for a new way of living.

Meditation Master



LOCATION:Yoga Essence Ashram,Tapovan Vatika, Laxman Jhula, Tapovan, Rishikesh, India.
COURSE DATES:10th July - 06th Aug, 2024
10th Aug - 06th Sep, 2024
20th Oct - 16th Nov, 2024
25th Jan - 21st Feb, 2025
25th Mar - 21st Apr, 2025
10th July - 06th Aug, 2025
10th Aug - 06th Sep, 2025
COURSE FEE:Twin Sharing Room: Euro 1400 (Euro 1900)
Private Single Room: Euro 1900 (Euro 2400)
ACCOMODATION:Ashram Ambience (Private/Double Sharing Room)
FOOD:3 Sattvic Ayurvedic Diet & Herbal Drinks (Gluten Free, Vegan Food Available)
TWO CERTIFICATIONS:Internationally Recognized Certifications- Accredited to Yoga Alliance
200h Hatha Yoga TTC & 100h Yoga Nidra TTC
Apply Now

* The course fee includes teaching, accommodation, food and course material.


LOCATION:Yoga Essence Ashram, Tapovan , Laxman Jhula, Rishikesh, India.
COURSE DATES:10th Jul - 15th Aug, 2024
20th Oct - 27th Nov, 2024
25th Mar - 30th Apr, 2025
10th Jul - 15th Aug, 2025
COURSE FEE:Twin Sharing Room: Euro 1700 (Euro 2300)
Private Single Room: Euro 2300 (Euro 2900)
ACCOMODATION:Ashram Ambience (Private/Double Sharing Room)
FOOD:3 Sattvic Ayurvedic Diet & Herbal Drinks (Gluten Free, Vegan Food Available)
TWO CERTIFICATIONS:Internationally Recognized Certifications- Accredited to Yoga Alliance
300h Hatha Yoga TTC & 100h Yoga Nidra TTC
Apply Now

* The course fee includes teaching, accommodation, food and course material.

Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Online

High Experiential & Transformational 200hours Yoga Training Course | 8 Weeks | 6 Days in a Week

During the 8 weeks of teaching of live streaming sessions, our 200 hours hatha yoga teacher training course India online students get the opportunity to learn and experience many guided relaxation practices, guided meditation techniques from Bodhi Sattva ji by understanding the science of meditation and guided practices. To be able to teach these practices, we provide of additional 30 hours Guided Meditation Training along with 200 hours Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Certification.

Learn the science of classical hatha yoga at its true form with contemporary vision through our 200 hours Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Online Course from Rishikesh India from the comfort of your home. Our online course imparts high experiential and transformational aspects of traditional hatha yoga by live streaming all the sessions so that the students can have the benefits and feelings of in-person residential course. Through the direct connection with the teachers, our students have an opportunity to ask questions, feel the atmosphere of group energy (The Sangha) during the session.

Our 200 hours hatha yoga teacher training online from India holds a very fine balance of both traditional & contemporary hatha yogic practices combined with meditations, guided relaxations, breathing exercises, mantras, and kirtans to connect deeply with your internal energy source and manifesting your potentials. This course will allow the yoga aspirants to experience the bliss of energy activation, expansion, and awakening for spiritual growth.


LIVE STREAMING:100 hours of live streaming via zoom
RECORDED:100 hours recording via google drive
COURSE DATES:04th Nov - 27th Dec 2022
02nd Jan - 25th Feb 2023
02nd Mar - 25th Apr 2023
02nd May - 25th Jun 2023
02nd Aug - 25th Sep 2023
02nd Sep - 25th Oct 2023
IDEAL FOR :High Experiential and Transformational Aspects of Body-Mind-Heart and Mindfulness Journey
TIMINGS:3:30 PM to 7:00 PM Indian Time
DAYS:6 days a week
COURSE FEE:1099 USD Now : 899 USD
TWO CERTIFICATIONS:Internationally Recognized Certifications- Accredited to Yoga Alliance, USA
200h Hatha Yoga TTC & 30h Guided Meditation TTC
Apply Now

* The course fee includes teaching, accommodation, food and course material.

Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in India 200 Hours & 300 Hours | Key Features

  • Learn the traditional hatha yoga in its full depth and dimension
  • Understand the science of energy awakening & experience its expansion
  • Learn the steps of raja yoga and its mechanism for the spiritual journey
  • Experience various meditations and understand its contemporary form
  • Learn systematic steps of yoga nidra and be a certified yoga nidra teacher
  • Experience the transformation of your body, mind, and emotions
  • Learn the skill to live a peaceful, joyful, and harmonious life
  • Become a yoga alliance accredited certified yoga teacher
  • Experience the high yogic energy field of Rishikesh India

Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh India 200 Hours & 300 Hours | Overview

The Science of Traditional Hatha Yoga

Traditional Hatha Yoga is a systematic disciplined active form of yogic practices that allows the practitioner to awaken the subtle spiritual latent energy forces of the body-mind for exploring the higher state of consciousness. The science of hatha yoga guides us on how to activate subtle vital energy forces in a scientific way. It guides how to find a deeper balance between our two major subtle energy forces, one called as Prana Shakti (the Vital Force) termed as “Ha”, the Sun Energy and the other called as Manas Shakti (The Psychic Force) termed as “Tha”, the Moon Energy. Hatha Yoga teaches us how to transform our gross life force into subtle vital force and awaken the dormant spiritual energy to manifest our hidden life potentials and Self-realization.

Mechanism of Classical Hatha Yoga

Since ancient times, hatha yoga has been developed and improvised numerous yogic practices in the form of Asana, Pranayama, Kriya, Mudra, Bandha for the purification and activation of our vital life forces and mental forces for the Spiritual Awakening. The mechanism of Hatha Yoga is based on finding the subtle stability between our Pranic forces and Psychic forces which are ever-changing and constantly in a movement. Hatha Yogic practices allow the practitioners to find a fine-tune and balance between the Sun and Moon energies that lead to experience the Oneness with the whole universe. The main purpose for the evolution of hatha yoga by yogis is to create a solid foundation for the Sadhana of Raja Yoga especially Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.More on Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga

Hatha Yoga Teacher Training
Hatha Yoga Training

An Inclusive Dimensions of Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course

Yoga Essence Rishikesh has a special status in India for imparting the deeper science and mechanism of traditional hatha yoga practices with a contemporary outlook and improvements. We make sure that our students gain a deep understanding of traditional hatha yoga and energy science through both experiential and theoretical prospective. Here, our teachings preserve the pure essence of classical hatha yoga and impart the skill how to join it with the Raja Yoga for spiritual awakening and self-realization.

Unfortunately, nowadays the mainstream understanding of Yoga gives people only one-dimensional version of this profound ancient practice by focusing mainly on the physical aspect of yoga which is very basic and considered as a by-product of classical yoga. In addition to the physical dimension, our students learn how they can experience, understand, grow more in subtle energy and consciousness dimensions through all-inclusive hatha yoga practices. Hence apart from Yogasana, our 200 hours & 300 Hours hatha yoga teacher training in India gives proper focus and attention to the learning and experience of Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Pranayama, Applied Yoga Psychology, and Yoga Philosophy to deepen the transformation of the body, mind, heart, and move into deeper dimensions of yoga what classical hatha yoga is all about. At Yoga Essence Rishikesh, Bodhi Sattva and Team put their sincere effort to impart this eternal wisdom of hatha yoga in all-inclusive form with a proper yogic atmosphere to invoke and receive the Divine Force within.

Kundalini, Chakra Meditations & Many More with Bodhi Sattva

As Yoga Essence Rishikesh is well known in India for imparting high standard meditation training courses, the students of our 200 hours & 300 hours hatha yoga teacher training India will get the opportunity to learn meditation practices on chakras, kundalini, sounds, breathing, mantras directly from the lead meditation teacher Bodhi Sattva ji. These meditation practices allow the practitioners to awaken high spiritual energy and wisdom for greater clarity, creativity, joy, and peace in life. The teachings of Bodhi Sattva embrace many contemporary forms of energetic meditation techniques that help the modern man to release accumulated tensions, stress, restlessness, anxiety, and emotional imbalances for higher energy, relaxation, restfulness, healing and integration. Through the meditation practices, our students get an opportunity to experience the deeper silence of the mind and get a glimpse of the subtle energy and consciousness awakening. These practices are extremely suitable for contemporary modern lifestyles and prepare a strong foundation to experience higher energy dimensions. More on Psycho-Spiritual Energy Centers

Kundalini & Chakra Meditation
Yoga Nidra Hatha Yoga Teacher

Additional 100 hours Yoga Nidra Teacher Traning & Certification

In addition to 200 hours or 300 hours of Hatha Yoga Teacher Training India, during the training, we provide an internationally acknowledged special 100 hours training and certification of yoga nidra. This extra beneficial certification and training help our students to learn and experience guided relaxation, guided yoga nidra, and guided meditation practices. This 100 hours yoga nidra course includes many sessions of yoga nidra from beginners to intermediate levels to deepen the healing and relaxation of body, mind, and heart. The special yoga nidra theory sessions provide an opportunity for the students to understand the entire methodology of guided yoga nidra practices. For more on our yoga Nidra teacher training please visit: Yoga Nidra Teacher Training Rishikesh India

Learn & Experience Meditation in Nature, Sacred Places

Outer nature helps us greatly to connect quickly with our inner nature of peace, silence, innocence and purity. During the yoga training, our 200 hours and 300 hours hatha yoga ttc students will get an opportunity to experience and learn how to meditate in outdoors and nature-based places like; banks of rivers, hills, forests, mountains, waterfalls, seashores, etc. Since ancient times, thousands of seekers from all over India and the world visited Rishikesh to deepen their yogic practices and inner journey for Self-realization. The foothills of the Himalayas, the banks of the holy river Ganga and the unique location of Rishikesh has been offering a solid practice ground to yogis to accomplish their Sadhana. The land of Rishikesh has absorbed and witnessed such high yogic energy phenomena and subtle spiritual vibrations which can be easily experienced by a seeker while diving deeper into meditation and silence. The lead meditation master Bodhi Sattva and Team will guide our students into many outdoor meditation sessions to experience the yogic energy field of Rishikesh, the vibration of the Himalayan regions.

Going in Nature
Pranayama practices

Silence Days: The Quantum Leap for Awakening and Transformation

Silence days have been used as one of the important tools for deeper spiritual experiences and consciousness journey by almost all the yogic traditions and schools. During the middle of our 200 hours and 300 hours hatha Yoga TTC, the students will get an opportunity to go for a silent period of 05 days. These silent days create a strong atmosphere and base to open the doors for a seeker to experience greater energy awakening, deep self-transformation, and peace in life. Silence brings a greater clarity to our mind and emotions and allows us to explore higher consciousness states and expansion of psycho-spiritual energy. These silence days will help the students to experience the various yogic practices in more subtle and deeper ways especially the advanced meditation practices on Kundalini and Chakras by shifting their consciousness to a new height.

More at…

Yogic Importance of Silence

What’s Included in the Course Fee:

  • Accommodation in a *single or twin shared room with private bath and AC
  • 3 nourishing Ayurvedic and Sattvic meals per day homemade fresh with local flavors and seasonal ingredients
  • 200+ page in-depth Course Manual which outlines applied Yoga Philosophy, details of Yoga Nidra steps & scripts, details of many Meditation Techniques and their practice, Mantras and their meanings, suggested reading materials, and more.
  • Hardcover textbook on Asana, Pranayama, Mudra and Bandha
  • Hardcover textbook on Meditation
  • Hardcover textbook on Yoga Nidra
  • Hardcover textbook on Yoga Anatomy
  • 25+ GB of course materials including PDF versions of books on yoga, music soundtracks for yoga and yoga nidra practices , yogic quotes and discourses, guided relaxation practices, mantras, kirtans, guided meditations and much more.
  • Ongoing support and feedback from yoga teachers

Two Certifications

Our 24 days Hatha Yoga teacher training course provides double certifications. After the successful completion, our students get two certificates accredited from Yoga Alliance USA as follows:

i) Certification of 200 hour or 300 Hours Hatha Yoga teacher training course

ii) Certification of 100 hour of Yoga Nidra teacher training course.

These two certifications allow our students to teach both yoga and yoga nidra confidently professionally all over the world. No other 200 hours & 300 hour hatha yoga teacher training course in India offers such a unique course bundle!

Styles of 200 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India

  • Hatha Yoga
  • Nidra Yoga
  • Mantra Yoga
  • Nada Yoga
  • Raja Yoga
  • Karma Yoga
  • Holistic Yoga
  • Transformational Yoga
  • Kundalini Meditation
  • Chakra Meditation
  • Mindfulness Meditation
  • Vipassana Meditation
  • Osho Active Meditation
  • And more!

Who can join this 200 hour & 300 hour Hatha Yoga TTC?

  • Yoga students of all backgrounds and levels who have a desire to become yoga teachers and wish to get internationally recognized RYT-200 Yoga teaching qualification
  • Students who do not wish to become yoga teachers but have a sincere longing to deepen their understanding and experience of yoga, yoga nidra and meditation.
  • Students who want to deepen their inner journey, self-growth and transformation of their life as a whole.

SYLLABUS OF 200 Hours & 300 Hours Hatha Yoga TTC

Mindful Joint Rotation & Subtle Body Movement Practices

In Hatha Yogic Texts, Sukshma Vyayamas play an important role for preparing the basic foundation of Classical Hatha Yoga. This preparatory section allows the students to understand subtle body movements and joint rotations by developing the beginning layer of awareness of the body. These subtle and gentle activities restore the initial nervous flow and energy flow throughout the body. These Sukshama Vyayamas will prepare the body and mind of the practitioner into the next step of higher energy awakening classical hatha yoga postures.

Classical Hatha Yoga Postures for Energy Awakening & Mindfulness

Under this section, our students will learn and experience many classical hatha yoga postures to build a strong foundation for the stability and flexibility of body with high energy flow. These traditional hatha yogic postures allow the practitioner to move into subtle Pranic Layer called as Pranamaya Kosha through opening up the vast network of energy channels and activating the subtle psychic energy centers throughout the body.

  1. Pawanmuktasana
  2. Ardha Pawanmuktasana
  3. Padottanasana
  4. Naukasana
  5. Setubandhasana
  6. Vajrasana
  7. Suptavajrasana
  8. Balasana
  9. Shasankasana
  10. Padmasana
  11. Ardha Padmasana
  12. Bharadwajasana
  13. Gomukhasana
  14. Mandukasana
  15. Yogamudrasana
  16. Shimhasana
  17. Bhujanagasana
  18. Shalabhasana
  19. Ardha Shalabhasana
  20. Ustrasana
  21. Parvatasana
  22. Chakrasana
  23. Makarasana
  24. Dhanurasana
  25. Janushirsasana
  26. Paschimottanasana
  27. Vakrasana
  28. Ardha Matsyenreyasana
  29. Marjari Asana
  30. Trikonasana
  31. Padahastasana
  32. Tadasana
  33. Triyeka Tadasana
  34. Padahastasana
  35. Katichakrasana
  36. Ashwasanchalanasana
  37. Anjaneyasana
  38. Utkatasana
  39. Vrikshasana
  40. Halasana
  41. Ardha Halasana
  42. Garudasana
  43. Viparita Karni Asana
  44. Sharvangasana
  45. Shirsanana
  46. Surya Namaskar & Variations (Sun Salutation)
  47. Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation)

Yogic Breathing Practices for Mindfulness & Energy Awakening

In classical hatha yoga, pranayama plays an important role to transform and expand our physical bioenergy into subtle Pranic force. Pranayama is considered as an important tool for the expansion and awakening of kundalini energy, activation of chakras and opening up the energy channels. These breathing practices are also key tools for controlling and stabilizing the mind and emotions. It includes

  1. Introduction to the Science of Breathing
  2. Four Aspects of Breathing Patterns
  3. Normal & Natural Breathing
  4. Abdominal Breathing
  5. Thoracic Breathing
  6. Clavicular Breathing
  7. Hatha Yoga Breathing Practices (Pranayama)
  8. Types of Pranayama Practices
  9. Importance & Benefits of Pranayama
  10. Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breathing)
  11. Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (Alternative Nostril Breathing)
  12. Chandra Bhedana Pranayama (Moon Piercing Breathing)
  13. Surya Bhedana Pranayama (Sun Piercing Breathing)
  14. Bhramari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breathing)
  15. Bhastrika Pranayama (Bellow’s Breathing)
  16. Sheetali Pranayama (Cooling Breathing)
  17. Sheetkari Pranayama (Cooling Breathing)

Traditional & Contemporary Meditations Practices, Understanding the Science of Meditation

Meditation is the most powerful and effective tool to move from hatha yoga to Raja Yoga that allows for the transformation of the negative thoughts and feelings into positive and creative. Meditation is a great help to experience a tangible peace in life and for higher energy flow towards upper chakras and dimensions of life. In this section, our students will learn and experience…

  1. What is Meditation?
  2. What is the Science & Mechanism of Meditation?
  3. What is Mind
  4. How to control the mind for Meditation?
  5. What is Nadi, Chakra, Kundalini?
  6. How to Activate Chakras?
  7. What is Kundalini Awakening?
  8. How Meditation helps in Kundalini Awakening & Activations of Chakra?
  9. Kundalini Meditation
  10. Chakra Beeja Mantra Meditation
  11. Mooladhar Chakra Meditation(Root Chakra)
  12. Swadhisthana Chakra Meditation (Sacral Chakra)
  13. Anahata Chakra Meditation (Heart Chakra)
  14. Vishudhi Chakra Meditation (Heart Chakra)
  15. Ajna Chakra Meditation (Third-Eye Chakra)
  16. Chakra Sound Meditation
  17. Kirtan Meditation
  18. Mantra Meditation
  19. Mindfulness Meditation
  20. Om Meditation
  21. Trataka Meditation
  22. Anapana Sati Yog Meditation

Please visit our Yoga Nidra Teacher Training level 1 to find the details syllabus of our yoga nidra training.

Yogic Gestures for Energy Awakening in Hatha Yoga

Yogic gestures have great effect on our energy flow and channelling the energy inward and upward. The practice of Mudra is one of the tools of classical hatha yoga to work on subtle bodies.

  1. Prana Mudra
  2. Yoga Mudra
  3. Dhyana Mudra
  4. Jnana Mudra
  5. Chin Mudra
  6. Bhairava Mudra
  7. Hridaya Mudra
  8. Shambhavi Mudra
  9. Nasikagra Dristi Mudra

Yogic Energy Locks

In advanced pranayama practices yogic energy locks are used to channelize energy and activate the psychic energy centers. In some advanced Asana practices also bandhas are used to work deeply on energy flow. It includes

  1. Moola Bandha
  2. Jalandhara Bandha
  3. Uddiyana Bandha
  4. Maha Bandha

Understanding the Philosophical Science of Hath Yoga & Raja Yoga

To understand the Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga practices rightly and the Philosophical science behind is must for Yoga Aspirants and Seekers. This topic lays the theoretical foundation for the yoga practitioner to get the right yogic prospective for their mindfulness journey. One gets the first-hand guiding map on the path of yoga. It includes:

  1. Introduction, Concept, Meaning & Definition of Yoga
  2. The History and Origin of Raja Yoga & Hatha Yoga
  3. Introduction to Hatha Yoga
  4. Importance of Hatha Yoga for a Seeker
  5. Sankhya and Yoga Philosophy
  6. The Six Systems of Indian Yoga Philosophy
  7. Panchakosha – The Five Bodies or Sheaths
  8. Chittabhumi – The five states of mind
  9. Antarayas – The Obstacles to Yoga
  10. Samskaras – The Theory and Law of Karma
  11. Purushartha – The Four Goals of Human Life
  12. Ashrama – The Four Stages of Human Life
  13. Major Yoga Traditions – Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga. Raja Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga or Laya Yoga
  14. Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Concept & Practice of Eight-Fold Path
  15. The Science of Chakras, Kundalini & Nadis
  16. Ethical Guidelines to Yoga Teacher

Along with the ancient Yogic wisdom, contemporary knowledge of modern medical science greatly helps the students to understand the human body and the yogic practices on a scientific basis. Hence, Yoga anatomy and physiology subject is very helpful to understand the yogic practices through modern health science.

  1. Understanding Eight-Limbs of Yoga in context of Anatomy & Physiology
  2. Yoga Postures, with Muscles & Joints Coordination
  3. Major Systems of Human Body
  4. Nervous System
  5. Endocrine System
  6. Respiratory System
  7. Skeleto-Muscular System
  8. Digestive System
  9. Importance of Nervous System in Yogic Science

Learning the Art of Teaching the Yogic Science

Through the subject teaching practicum, the students will learn the necessary procedures and techniques involved to impart the yogic science & yogic practices. Learning the skills to impart the yogic practices and knowledge holds prime importance in yoga teacher training course.

More Details Of 200 Hour Or 300 Hours Hatha Yoga TTC

Before forwarding the application of Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course, all aspirants are advised to carefully consider the time and resource required for the course. We  therefore recommend that all applicants carefully examine their upcoming obligations so that they may be able to devote their full attention to the teacher training program.

Please note that Yoga Essence receives initial advanced deposit to reserve the spot which is non-refundable, in case of any cancellation. However, in case of any emergencies and other unavoidable causes, Yoga Essence at its discretion can permit the student to enroll in the course within 6 months of advanced deposit.

  • White clothing for Inaugural Ceremony & Graduation Ceremony
  • Metal Drinking Water Bottle (you can also find here in nearby market)
  • Minimum 32GB memory stick/card to receive useful materials of the course.
  • We have necessary Yoga Props, but can bring your own yoga mat.
  • A Torch
  • A Plug Adaptor

Yoga Essence Rishikesh is a Registered Yoga School(RYS) of Yoga Alliance, USA. It is also a Continuing Education Provider (YACEP). After successful completion of 200 Hour Hatha Yoga teacher training course, students receive certification of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training plus certification of 30 hour Yoga Nidra Teacher Training. The certifications will allow you to teach yoga, Yoga Nidra, and meditation all over the world. You can also register yourself as a certified yoga teacher(RYT-200 level) with Yoga Alliance, USA.

Yoga Essence Rishikesh supports its graduates on their teaching journey beyond the duration of the course. We assure you that you will leave us with deeper joy, peace, understanding and inner richness of life.

Evaluation and Certification

  • Assessments for certification of the training will be based on practical, written and oral test
  • Students who have minimum of 95% attendance in the class will be qualified to get certification
  • Students behavior and code of conduct will be considered for the assessment of certification

On the path of Yoga, Yama (the social code of conduct) and Niyama (the personal code of conduct) are considered the basic foundation for Yoga practices and transformation. To get maximum result from various yoga practices, Yama and Niyama conducts are an integral parts of learning. The students of our training program are advised to maintain following code of conducts:

  1. Discipline is an integral part of the hatha yoga teacher training course curriculum; hence, all students should follow it sincerely.
  2. Ensure you are on time for class or you will not be permitted to enter any class once it has commenced.
  3. Disrespecting rules and regulations of the school could result in termination of studentship with no refund of course fee.
  4. During the course, no guest or friend of any student are allowed to stay without prior permission from the management.
  5. Team oriented positive attitude of the students are required to continue the course.
  6. Absenting yourself from the scheduled program without prior permission of the teacher is considered a gross breach of discipline.
  7. Negative, rude,˜ and disruptive behavior may result the termination of studentship without any refund of course fee.
  8. Smoking, non-veg, alcohol and illegal drugs are not allowed during the training. Students who cannot comply with this rule will be asked to leave the course with no refund of the fees.

We understand and acknowledge the sacred and sensitive nature of relationship between students and teachers. We understand and believe that it is the responsibility of the yoga teachers to ensure a safe and protected environment in which a student can grow physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Code of Ethics

As Teachers of the 200 hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course at Yoga Essence Rishikesh we agree to uphold the highest professional standards as set forth in the following Code of Ethics.

  1. We welcome all students with respect and friendliness and do not discriminate against or refuse professional help to anyone on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or national origin.
  2. We understand that all forms of sexual behaviour or harassment with student are unethical, and use only appropriate methods of touch when assisting students.
  3. We make only realistic statements regarding the benefits of yoga, make responsible decisions to determine if and when we can assist a student, and use our yogic knowledge and skills only for their benefit.
  4. We conduct our public and private affairs with honesty in all financial, material, emotional and spiritual interactions.
  5. We establish and maintain professional relationship boundaries at all times.
  6. We respect the rights, dignity and privacy of all students, and treat all communications from students with professional confidence.

Daily Schedule of 200 Hour  & 300 Hour Hatha Yoga TTC:

06:00 amHerbal Detox Tea
06:15 amKundalini Yoga Asana Practice
07:30 amKundalini Kriyas, Pranayama & Mantra Chanting
08:45 amBreakfast
10:20 amMediation on Energy Awakening, Chakras, Kundalini
11:30 amEnergy Science, Mechanism & Anatomy/ Yoga Nidra Session
01:00 pmLunch & Rest
03:00 pmYoga Nidra Group-Practice/ Self-Practice
04:00 pmKundalini Yoga Asana Practice
05:20 pmHerbal Tea & Snacks
05:45 pmSatsang Meditation,Yoga Psychology & Philosophy
07:15 pmDinner
08:15 pmSpecial Q&A Sessions (Specific Days)
09:30 pmLight Off & Rest

Please Note: – The daily schedule is subject to change

Reinvigorate Mind, Body & Soul

Words from the hearts of our students