Yogic Importance of Silent Meditation Retreat

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A Universal Practice Experiencing Inner Silence & Pure Presence 

Silence: The Heartbeat of the Universe

Since ancient times, almost all the yogic traditions give high value to silence practice for the inner journey. Yogis say silence is a truly common language of communication between living or non-living beings. Silence is considered as the very heartbeat of the Universe. This heartbeat of the universe also known as the silence of the existence is often called by the yogis as Nada or Nadabrahma.

Feeling for others can get its depth through silence. We can easily touch the deeper layers of others being with the help of silence. One can sense a true feeling of oneness through silence. Silence can easily open the path to explore a new way of relating which does not even belong to any physical realm. It brings the joy of communion between two persons where both their hearts start beating in the same rhythm and at the same level. Only silence gives us the ability to have the experience of melting and merging with each other.

Silence Gives Birth to Cosmic Intelligence

The real explosion of intelligence happens on the backdrop of the silence. Silence means a feeling of vast inner space. Silence means your whole mind stuffs i.e. the thoughts, the imaginations, the dreams, the desires, the memories, etc. have been put aside. The entire mind is completely clean, crystal clear having no content. The whole mind turns to a pure presence, a deep sense of here and now.

Normally Silence is being understood to be something empty, something negative, something an absence of sound or of noises. This misunderstanding is very much prevalent because only a few people i.e. the yogis have ever experienced silence. Generally, all that we have experienced in the name of silence is an absence of sound or noiselessness.

Yogic Silence is Eternal and is a Pure Presence

Yogic silence has totally different experience. It has a strong presence; it is not empty. It is overflowing with a music that we have never heard before; it is overflowing of great inner joy. It is not something unreal; it is a reality, that already present in everyone which is eternal silence. As all our senses are moving out, hence we have lost all the connection from it. We just need to look within and return back our attention inward to recognize it. Our inner world has its own fragrance, has its own flavor, has its own light.

Learn to be silent, at least with your friends, with your family, with your lovers, with your fellow travelers, with the trees, with nature, with the sun, with the moon sit in silence sometimes. Don´t go on talking, give a pause in while talking. Just sitting, doing nothing, just being with the presence of each other. And soon you will start finding a new way to communicate and communion.

Observance of silence during intensive higher yogic practices is being considered as a key tool of the inner journey from ancient yogic traditions to modern times. One can experience the importance and value of silence at Yoga Essence Rishikesh via joining 200 hours meditation teacher training course500 hours meditation teacher training course or 200 hours yoga teacher training course.


To have better understanding of the body, mind, & emotions

To recognize many deep-rooted habitual patterns of life

To unburden the load of socialization and formalities

To drop the thick layers of masks of personalities

To discover our true self and authenticity

To conserve energy & channelize it for higher consciousness

High energy helps to experience meditation practices deeply

To experience greater freedom & relaxation with oneself

To experience Inner silence easily

To connect deeply with each and everything that surrounds us

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