Christmas Yoga And Meditation Retreat

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Christmas retreat 2020


Welcome for Christmas Yoga And Meditation Retreat in Rishikesh at Yoga Essence on the foothills
of Sacred Himalaya and Divine Ganga.

09 Days Christmas Yoga And Meditation Retreat
India at Yoga Essence Rishikesh

Yoga Essence Rishikesh is going to organize 09 Days Yoga and Meditation Retreat including Yoga Nidra during the Christmas week. The main objective of organizing this Christmas Yoga and Meditation Retreat is to explore what it truly means to deeply relaxrejuvenate, take care of your body-mind-heart and blossom into the best version of yourself.

This family-friendly Christmas Yoga and Meditation retreat welcomes you to heal, relax and rejuvenate your body in the true beauty of the Himalayas near the sacred river Ganga.

09 Days Christmas Yoga and Meditation Retreat has been designed and developed scientifically to help the participants to experience:

  • To take responsibility of their own Happiness and Healing in everyday life.
  • How to connect with the Inner Wisdom and Life purpose.
  • How to release the deeper layers of energy blocks, physical, mental, emotional tensions and stresses and experience deep relaxation.
  • How to bring clarity to the taken decisions even in Complex and Stressful situations.
  • To transform the painful emotions into more creative and nourishing energies.
  • To experience the joy of liberated energy, the joy of living a whole life; a life of totality.

This Christmas Yoga, Meditation & Yoga Nidra Retreat in Rishikesh at affiliate Yoga School – Yoga Essence is a unique and powerful program designed to experience healing, deep relaxation, rejuvenation and transformation through both contemporary and traditional form of asana & pranayama practices, yoga nidra, yogic cleansing processes and many contemporary meditation practices.

This retreat is about togetherness; sharing together with a group of like-minded people from around the globe, opening yourself up to many stories and experiences, and feeling a profound sense of connectedness with your fellow human beings. At the same time, the aspirants will learn and equipped with the skill & materials to use the same in their everyday life for a peaceful and joyous living.

This retreat is all about celebration, celebrating our life just as it is, celebrating the kindness and goodness around us, celebrating being alive on our beautiful Mother Earth and celebrating love, for however the world changes, love always exists and it is real, to all of us.

Reinvigorate Mind, Body & Soul

Words from the hearts of our students

What Participants Shared

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