Tag: Spiritual Yoga Retreat

Home / Spiritual Yoga Retreat
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Course

Meditation – A Tool for Stress Free Living

What is Stress? Stress is a state of both physical and mental imbalance caused especially by the disturbance of the hormonal system and metabolic system. Hence each and every cells and organ are affected by stress. All our physical and mental functions are mainly controlled by two faculties; one is emotional faculty called as limbic...

100 Hour Holistic Yoga Teacher Training

What is Yoga? – a Philosophy or a Discipline

Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline which focuses on bringing harmony between body, breath, mind, heart and spirit for a holistic life. It is a science of healthy, peaceful and harmonious living with self and others. The practice of yoga leads to the union of individual consciousness with that of the Universal Consciousness. This indicates...

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