Yoga Nidra Meditation Training Rishikesh India

200 hours Yoga Nidra Training and Guided Meditation Training 21 days Residential
100 hours Online Yoga Nidra Training Live Streaming

Yoga Essence Ashram Rishikesh welcomes all sincere yoga teachers, meditation teachers, Yoga Nidra & meditation lovers to learn, and experience the Art of Yoga Nidra, Guided Meditation, Guided Relaxation, and Mindfulness Practices with Lead Meditation & Yoga Nidra Teacher Bodhi-Sattva Ji. Through Yoga Nidra Training in Rishikesh India having Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 allow our participants to learn, experience, and understand the step-by-step guide to yoga nidra meditation, guided meditation, relaxation practices for deeper healing, de-stressing, relaxation, yoga nidra meditation, and higher consciousness growth.

Yoga Nidra Meditation Training with Bodhi-Sattva

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Experience & Explore The Life Awakening…

Online Yoga Nidra Meditation Teacher Training

100 Hour Live Streaming & Recorded

Our online yoga nidra meditation training sessions includes zoom live streaming sessions of 50 hours and the remaining 50 hours training will be shared through recorded sessions via cloud drive. This course covers the foundational level of yoga nidra relaxation, yoga nidra meditation along with many powerful supportive guided meditation practices. These supportive guided meditation practices are excellent practice to release deep rooted stress, tensions, anxiety, restlessness and purify the body-mind-energy by becoming suitable complementary practices for yoga nidra for anxiety, yoga nidra for stress tensions, sleep yoga nidra, yoga nidra for relaxation. One can easily feel the touch of in-person training through these live streaming nidra yoga zoom sessions having direct interaction with the yoga nidra meditation teacher Bodhi-Sattva and other co-participants. This online yoga nidra training also focuses on the meditation journey of the participants by having question answer sessions during the training period. Our online nidra yoga training helps the students to learn how to design 15 minutes or 20 minutes yoga nidra practice for beginners. Please find the details of the course in the below table:

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Online Yoga Nidra Meditation Teacher Training

100 Hours Certification Yoga Alliance

LIVE STREAMING:50 hours of live streaming via zoom
RECORDED: 50 hours recording via google drive
COURSE DATES:16th Jan – 09th Feb 2024
21st Apr – 19th May 2024
22nd May – 16th Jun 2024
11th Sep – 06th Oct 2024
02nd Dec – 25th Dec 2024
TIMING:10:30 – 13:00 Indian Time
DAYS5 Days in a Week ( Monday, Tuesday Off)
CERTIFICATION:Internationally Accredited, Yoga Alliance USA.
COURSE FEE:Course Fee: Euro 400 (Euro 700)
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* The course fee includes teaching, accommodation, food and course material.

Key Features: Yoga Nidra Teacher Training (Level- 1)

how to do yoga nidra stepwise guide

yoga nidra instructions in details

yoga nidra script for relaxation healing

flow of yoga nidra guided meditation

different types of yoga nidra scripts

key words of yoga nidra and their flow in a script

preparations for nidra yoga practice session

right voice with music for yoga nidra instructions

understanding yoga nidra vs hypnosis

difference in nidra yoga relaxation and progressive relaxation

creating various yoga nidra modules with where to apply

many supportive mindful meditation practices for yoga nidra

learning how to practice yoga nidra in daily life

Course Overview: Yoga Nidra Teacher Training Rishikesh

21 days 200 hours yoga nidra level 1 and guided meditation training

Prerequisite for 21 Days Residential Yoga Nidra Meditation TTC

1) Online Live-Streaming 25 Hours Inner Wellbeing & Awakening:

A Meditation, Yoga Nidra & Mindfulness program (2hr 30min daily, 10 days in 2weeks, Happens once in a month)

2) A Meditation Course or Yoga Retreat with us.

Yoga Nidra Teacher Training (Level-1) Includes:

Meaning, definition, history, and origin of yoga nidra

Step by step theoretical explanation of yoga nidra

Systematic and sequential practice of yoga nidra

Science of Sankalp (Resolution), its procedures and application

Foundations and Pillars of holistic health and healing

Understanding the mechanism of stress and relaxation

Practicing & Experiencing different yoga nidra scripts

Developing own yoga nidra scripts, getting valuable inputs from lead teacher

Chakra Points and their importance in yoga nidra practice

Preparation of yoga nidra modules for different set up

Supportive meditation and mindfulness practices to Yoga Nidra

Nidra Yoga Teacher Training India (Level I)

The journey of yoga nidra training at Yoga Essence Ashram begins with 100 hours Yoga Nidra Teacher Training Level I. One can join this level I training as part of our:

200 hours Meditation Teacher Training (MTTC) or 300 hours Meditation Teacher Training
200 hours Specialised Yoga Teacher Training (SYTTC) or 300 hours Specialised Yoga Teacher Training

 Two Certifications

Regarding Yoga Nidra Certificate Course

Yoga Essence Rishikesh is a Registered Yoga School (RYS) and Accredited with Yoga Alliance USA. The lead teacher Bodhi Sattva is a Continuous Education Provider of Yoga Alliance USA (YACEP). The certification of this Yoga Nidra Teacher Training India (Level 1) will be valid and acknowledged throughout the world.

Regarding Certification

On the successful completion of 21 days 100 hour yoga nidra training (level 1) and 100 hour guided meditation training , our students will be awarded  200 hours of training certificate.

100 Hour Yoga Nidra Teacher Training Level 1

100 Hours Guided Meditation and Mindfulness Training

3 Levels of Yoga Nidra Teacher Training India

Yoga nidra teacher training courses at Yoga Essence Ashram Rishikesh India provide a unique opportunity for the yoga nidra lovers and seekers to gain expertise on different styles of yoga nidra, guided meditation and guided relaxation in its full depth and dimensions. The training programs cover step-by-step explanation on practical and theoretical aspects of yoga nidra. The 3 levels of our yoga nidra training are as follows

1) 100 hours Yoga Nidra Teacher Training level-I
2) 100 hours Yoga Nidra Teacher Training level-II
3) 100 hours Yoga Nidra Teacher Training level-III

Each level of our yoga nidra training skilfully integrates the learning and practice of many small-big meditation and mindfulness techniques that helps deeply to relax and grow in peace and harmony. These techniques help to accelerate the process of de-stressing, healing, relaxation, awareness, and they are taught in a light and joyful way so that one can cherish the whole learning process.

Daily Schedule of Yoga Nidra Teacher Training (Level 1) Course

06:10 amHerbal Detox Tea
06:30 amYoga Asana Practice
07:45 amPranayama & Mantra Chanting
08:30 amBreakfast
09:50 amSupportive Mindfulness Meditation Practices for Yoga Nidra
11:15 amYoga Nidra (Theory) & Teaching Practicum
01:15 pmLunch & Rest
02:45pmSelf Study
03:30 pm Suitable Meditation Practices for Yoga Nidra
05:00 pm Herbal Tea
05:30 pm Yoga Nidra Practical (Guided by Lead Teacher)
07:00 pmDinner
08:00 pmQ&A Session on Yoga Nidra/Teaching Practicum/Self Study
09:30 pmLight Off & Rest

Please Note: – The daily schedule is subject to change

More Details Of Yoga Nidra Teacher Training Course Rishikesh, India (Level-1)

Refund Policy – Yoga Essence Rishikesh

All aspirants are advised to carefully consider the time and resources required for the course before forwarding the application for the teacher training course. Advance deposit money to reserve the spot of the course is non-refundable. However, in case of emergencies and other unavoidable exigencies the Yoga Essence Rishikesh at its discretion permits students to go for any other scheduled course within 6 months. We therefore recommend that all applicants carefully examine their upcoming obligations so that they may be able to devote their full attention to the teacher training program.

Things to Bring
  • Metal Water Bottle (you can also find here in the nearby market)
  • Minimum 16GB memory stick/card to receive useful materials for the course.
  • White Clothes for Graduation and Inaugural Ceremony
  • We have the necessary Yoga Props, but you are welcome to bring your own yoga mat.
  • Torch
  • Plug Adaptor for your electronic gadget

What is Yoga Nidra ?

Yoga Nidra is one of the powerful tools in the field of Yoga and very useful practice in our daily life. It brings incredible Relaxation, Calmness, Quietness, and Clarity to our life. It is a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. Yoga Nidra is one of the practices of pratyahara where the awareness is internalized and has its origin in the ancient tantric practice called Nyasa.

Literally, Yoga Nidra means “Psychic Sleep” i.e. sleep with a trace Awareness. In the practice of yoga Nidra, the body falls asleep, the subconscious and unconscious mind remain open and awake to listen to the instructions. In psychology, the state achieved in yoga Nidra is termed the “Hypnogogic State”, a state between sleep and wakefulness. In this threshold state between sleep and wakefulness, contact with subconscious and unconscious dimensions occurs easily and spontaneously.

Yoga Nidra is a state of conscious deep sleep that gives deep rest and relaxation to both body-mind. The state of yoga Nidra removes fatigue and tensions, brings a sense of deep rejuvenation, and restores the elasticity of body-mind. It is also used by yogis to purify the Samskaras, the deep impressions that are the driving force behind our habitual pattern of living.

However, in Meditation, we remain in the waking state of consciousness, able to aware and watch our thought processes, emotions, body sensations in an equanimous attitude. Meditation helps to expand our awareness to unconscious and sub-conscious state. Yoga Nidra is a systematic method for developing inner awareness. Thus, it is a doorway to the meditative state.

Benefits of Yoga Nidra

Experience of Deep Rest, Relaxation and Rejuvenation

The brain is the linking mediator between the mind, body and emotions. In yoga nidra intensifying the awareness of the body stimulates the brain. The systematic rotation of Attention and Awareness on each and every body parts through the instructions calm down the whole nervous system, mind and enhance Pranic flow throughout the body. This Pranic flow and calming down effect on body-mind brings in a deep experience of rest, relaxation and rejuvenation to body, mind and emotion.

Withstand Stress and Stressful Situations Easily

During stress the sympathetic nervous system becomes activated due to which the organism adopts the ‘fight or flight’ mechanism. In normal circumstances, the parasympathetic system takes over after the emergency goes. But mostly it has been seen that the sympathetic system remains active most of the time resulting in the experience of distress. Practice of yoga nidra calm down the sympathetic nervous system and active the parasympathetic nervous system which brings harmony within. This harmonious state of body-mind able to withstand easily the stressful situations without losing balance and prevents the development of stress-related diseases.

Management of Psychosomatic Diseases

The main causes of psychosomatic diseases are tensions, conflicts, depressions and frustrations of the mind manifest in the form of physical symptoms and diseases. Yoga nidra aims at releasing those suppressed and repressed tensions, conflicts from the subconscious and unconscious, unburdening both body-mind for quick recovery.

Reduction of Stress, Anxiety & Tension from Body & Mind, Calm down Emotions

Due to fast, hectic and demanding lifestyle, most of us live in continuous high level of stress, anxiety and tensions which makes us prone to psychological and psychosomatic disorders. Modern psychology as well as yogic philosophy believes in three kinds of tension – muscular tensions, emotional tensions and mental tensions – which can be progressively released through the systematic and regular practice of yoga nidra and meditation. Muscular tension results from nervous and endocrinal imbalances. It manifests in the form of stiffness and rigidity in the physical body. In the practice of yoga nidra the body is progressively relaxed, which in turn releases the accumulated muscular tensions.

In day to day life individuals fail to express their emotions freely and openly. As a result, the emotions are repressed and manifest in the form of emotional tension. In the practice of yoga nidra, the practitioner slowly moves towards the deeper realms of the mind where he or she confronts the deep-rooted emotional tensions. When the practitioner recognizes these emotional tensions with full awareness and a witnessing attitude, then repressed emotions are released and the practitioner becomes calm and tranquil.

Due to excessive activity on the mental plane, the mind always remains in a state of arousal and active which results in mental tension. Even during sleep mind goes on functioning by way of dreams and nightmares. In the practice of yoga nidra, especially in rotation of consciousness and breath awareness, the mind slowly calm down and relaxed, thereby releasing the mental tensions. Hence, through the regular and sincere practice of yoga nidra, tensions, stress and conflicts at the physical, emotional and mental level can be minimized.

Enhance the Ability to Solve Problems of Life

The practice of yoga nidra enables ones to receive intuitions from the unconscious and subconscious mind. This intuitions received in yoga nidra enable oneself to find the solution to various problems of life easily.

Awakens Creativity

Creativity is a characteristic of a relaxed, calm and quite mind. When the mind is totally relaxed, the awareness slowly enters the deeper realms (subconscious and unconscious) of the mind and the person becomes aware of the creative and intuitive faculties. Regular practice of yoga nidra helps in making a bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind. Slowly one becomes tuned with the unconscious workings and then the power of creativity automatically awakens.

Brings Joy into Life

Practice of yoga nidra brings a profound sense of joy and well-being to the practitioner. Yoga nidra is also a way to connect with deeper, spiritual self. It restores the body, senses, and mind to their natural function that allows to feel Oneness, wholeness, tranquility, and well-being.

Preparation for Meditation

As Practice of Yoga Nidra based on internal rotation of awareness and good access to subconscious and unconscious mind through outside instructions, hence it becomes a good preparatory practice for the meditation.

Reinvigorate Mind, Body & Soul

Words from the hearts of our students

What Participants Shared

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