200 hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training | Awakening of Psycho-Spiritual Energy
100 hours yoga nidra training | mental health | yoga psychology | yoga philosophy
mindfulness | meditation | Ayurveda nutrition | Ayurveda cooking

Are you looking for a strong base of learning for your Kundalini Yoga practice and teaching?

Do you want to experience kundalini yoga, meditation, yoga nidra in a dedicated and committed teacher- students group energy setup?

Are you looking for a quality kundalini yoga training course to enhance your credibility as a well-trained yoga teacher?

Are you interested to deepen your mindfulness journey and spiritual awakening through kundalini yoga ttc?

Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Essence Rishikesh welcomes kundalini yoga lovers and seekers for in-depth learning and experience of kundalini yoga with contemporary outlook through 200 hours and 300 hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh India. An intensive energy awakening journey with spiritual growth allows the participants to experience new expansive energy and consciousness. Apart from the high experiential dimension, our Kundalini Yoga TTC programs have systematically designed to provide a solid base for deeper transformation of the body, mind, energy, and heart of the students to freely manifest a peaceful, joyful, and harmonious life.

With Grace and Guidance of Lead Yoga & Meditation Master Bodhi Sattva Ji, our kundalini yoga teacher training courses are scientifically developed by incorporating kundalini yoga with different types of meditations on chakras & kundalini, kriyas, many special breathing techniques, yoga nidra to impart the depth the yogic science. We provide a dedicated yogic environment to deepen your learning experience of kundalini yoga along with a well-balanced nutritious ayurvedic sattvic diet under the guidance of committed experienced teachers and team members.



Online Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training India 200 Hours

All Sessions Live Streaming | High Experiential & Transformational | 8 Weeks | 5 Days in Week | 06 Hours Daily

Learn the Science of Kundalini Yoga and Experience the magical bliss of Energy Activation and Expansion with Spiritual Awakening through our 200 hours Online Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course from the comfort of your home. Our teachings hold a perfect combination of both traditional & contemporary forms of kundalini yoga practices to guide the students into high experiential and transformational dimensions of their body, mind, and heart.

By Live Streaming all the sessions, our students can get easily the benefits of in-person residential course by having a direct connection with the lead teacher and teaching team during the session. At the same time, students have an opportunity to ask questions to the teachers directly and feel the atmosphere of Sangha Energy (group energy), the spiritual vibes of the lead meditation master Bodhi Sattva Ji. Our 200 hours kundalini yoga teacher training India online opens up a great unique opportunity for yoga seekers, lovers to learn and experience the science of energy activationexpansionspiritual awakening, and holistic lifestyle from home.

30 Hours of Additional Guided Meditation Training & Certification

Along with 200 hours Kundalini Yoga teacher training our online students to get an opportunity to learn and experience many guided meditation techniques and guided relaxation practices from Bodhi Sattva by understanding the science of meditation and guided practices. To be able to teach these practices, we provide an additional certification of 30 hours Guided Meditation Training during the 8 weeks of teachings of live streaming sessions.

LIVE STREAMING: 100 hours of live streaming via zoom
RECORDED: 100 hours recording via google drive
TIMINGS: 3:30 PM to 7:00 PM Indian Time
DAYS: 6 days a week
CERTIFICATIONS: 200h Kundalini Yoga TTC & 30h Guided Meditation TTC

Course Dates:

  • 1st Oct – 28th Oct 2023
  • 1st Mar – 28th Mar 2024
  • 1st Jul – 28th Jul 2024
  • 1st Nov – 28th Nov 2024

  • 1st Nov – 28th Nov 2023
  • 1st Apr – 28th Apr 2024
  • 1st Oct – 28th Oct 2024

Shared Room*


(Sep 2022 – Mar 2023)

Private Room*

$12 / Day

(Extra for Private Single Room/Day)

Enroll Now


Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in India 200 Hours & 300 Hours

Understand the science & philosophy of traditional kundalini yoga & the energy awakening process

Learn & experience various types of chakra & kundalini meditation practices

Experience yoga Nidra & guided meditation through special yoga Nidra training

Learn the science & steps of yoga Nidra, & become a certified yoga Nidra teacher

Become a Yoga Alliance USA accredited certified kundalini yoga teacher

Take your experience of kundalini yoga & meditation to next level

Learn the skill of a peaceful, joyful, and balanced life

Transform the energy of your body, mind, heart

Experience the joy of the yogic energy field of Rishikesh & the Himalayas


Kundalini Yoga: The Science of Energy Awakening

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

Kundalini Yoga prepares a firm base for the activation of our Psycho-Spiritual energy phenomenon to transform our physical, mental, and emotional state to attain the transcendental state of highest consciousness known as Samadhi.

Energy awakening starts with an intention to clear, activate, and balance the energy channels and energy centers in a soft, natural, and sensitive way through numerous specialized yogic postures, breathing exercises, meditation practices, kriyas, and bandhas. This helps remove toxins while opening up and activating the subtle layers of chakras, kundalini, and energy channels (Nadis). This intensifies the steady flow of energy and awareness which bring harmony and balance to our internal and external beings.

Our 200 hours & 300 hours kundalini yoga teacher training course in India helps you connect with the immense energy source within, allowing it to move inward and upward to find that state of bliss and celebration of life. This high energetic state easily allows a practitioner to experience profound realms of life energy and consciousness which is the ultimate goal of kundalini awakening.

Meditation Practices on Chakras & Kundalini

As far as kundalini yoga and energy awakening is concerned, meditation practices play a key role. The major portion of our life energy(prana) has been utilized and misdirected towards high thought processes and emotional imbalances. A constant undercurrent of thoughts and restlessness results in very little inner peace. So, if we wish to experience the supernatural psycho-spiritual energy, we need to know how to calm our minds and balance our emotions to find inner silence. Meditation practices are considered the most powerful and effective tool to deal with the mind and emotions.

Ananda Bhodisattva Ji, our lead meditation teacher at Yoga Essene Rishikesh, guides the 200 Hour & 300 Hour kundalini yoga teacher training students through high spiritual energy by imparting deeper insights on meditation, yoga nidra, and their importance for a life filled with joy, and clarity. Through many energetic contemporary meditation practices on breathing, sound, mindful body movement, chakra, and kundalini, students get an opportunity to experience the deep silence of the mind and get a glimpse of the subtle layers of energy awakening process of kundalini in its depths. These practices are extremely suitable for contemporary modern lifestyles and prepare a strong foundation to experience higher energy dimensions. More on Psycho-Spiritual Energy Centers

The Science of Kundalini Yoga & Kundalini Sadhana

A few decades ago, modern scientists declared that matter is “energy” and more than ten thousand years ago the yogis (inner scientists) had declared that the entire universe is nothing but the manifestation and expression of energy called shakti or prana. Yogis explain how all the subtle layers of existence such as thoughts, emotions, sounds, and light are also the manifestation of energy in finer forms. The entire science of kundalini yoga and its step-by-step methods has been described in detail by yogis and masters in the traditional books of both yoga and tantra. From ancient times to the present day, these yogis and masters have been developing and transmitting the fundamental techniques of kundalini awakening in its purest form for cleansing, activating, transforming, and guiding our basic life energy for Self-realization.

The process of kundalini yoga allows us to divert the flow of our life energy inward to experience deeper realms of life and higher consciousness. The inward and outward movement of energy is a natural phenomenon that happens all the time throughout our lives, so, when it comes to the conscious way of energy flow, it is essential to work simultaneously and systematically with both, the body and the mind.

The Kundalini Sadhana describes how to awaken the latent infinite and dynamic life force called Kundalini Shakti through yogic practices and surge it upward with strength and direction which come from our higher self-residing within ourselves. When energy is imbalanced and misguided within, dullness, misery, insecurity, jealousy, greed, fear, hatred, grief, anger, anxiety set in. Over time, if not addressed, these heavy energies build up and turn into psychological and physiological symptoms leading to an unhealthy and distressing life. Through Kundalini Sadhana, we learn to restore balance in all spheres of life with healthy active energy levels to experience higher realms of consciousness and manifest our true limitless potentials.

Extra Beneficial 100 hours Yoga Nidra Teacher Training

Students who enroll in the 200 hours or 300 hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training India receive an additional special 100 hours Yoga Nidra Teacher Training and its certification affiliated to Yoga Alliance USA. This extra beneficial training imparts skills of how to lead Yoga Nidra sessions, guided relaxation sessions, and guided meditation sessions around the world. This training includes experiential sessions of Yoga Nidra from beginners to advanced levels to deepen the healing and relaxation of body, mind, and heart. The theory classes offer an opportunity to understand the entire methodology of Yoga Nidra. To know more on yoga Nidra teacher training please visit:

Experience Meditation in Nature and in Sacred Places

Outer nature helps us to connect with our inner nature of stillness, calmness, purity, and beauty. These nature-based mediation practices will help us to deepen our experience of yoga. During the training, our 200 hour and 300 hour kundalini yoga ttc students will learn how to meditate in nature like mountains, forests, hills, waterfalls, seashores, and sacred places related to many renowned masters and yogis. Since ancient times, thousands of yogis from all over India and the world have been visiting Rishikesh to dive deeper into their yogic practices to attain Self-realization. The unique combinations of lower Himalayan mountains, the holy river Ganga and the spiritual vibration of Rishikesh allow the seekers to experience the high energy phenomena, subtle yogic vibrations and move into a deeper mediative state. These special outdoor meditation sessions will be led by Bodhi Sattva Ji and Team.

Silence Days: A Quantum Leap for Transformation and Awakening

Since ancient times, Silence is being used as one of the important tools of the spiritual journey by almost all yogic to deepen their yogic experiences. Silence days prepare a strong foundation to explore and experience transformation and awakening by focusing on channeling the energy of all 5 Senses into yogic journey and meditation practices on Chakras and Kundalini. Silence days are very supportive to a sincere yoga practitioner to move into a higher experience of relaxation, peace, energy awakening, and self-transformation. The silence period brings great clarity to our mind and emotions and allows us to move deeper into our inner journey and consciousness growth. Hence, the students our 200 hours and 300 hour kundalini yoga ttc students will get an opportunity to experience a silent period of 05 days during the middle of the course. These silence days are meant just to give an experience of sudden consciousness explosion to the participants and transport them into deeper mindfulness, energy awakening, and psycho-spiritual experiences.

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PREREQUISITE for joining our 200 hours / 300 hours Meditation Teacher Training Plus 100 hours Yoga Nidra Training Course

If you are new to Yoga Essence and the teachings of Bodhi Sattva Ji, then you need to complete first any one of the following prerequisite yoga meditation programs to join our residential in-person 200h/300h Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training plus 100h Yoga Nidra Training with lead yoga meditation master Bodhi Sattva Ji.

Completion of 15 hours Live-Streaming Online Inner Wellbeing & Awakening:
A Yoga, Meditation & Yoga Nidra Program with Lead Yoga Meditation Teacher Bodhi Sattva Ji (06 Days, 2hr 30min daily, Happens once/twice a month, Course Fee- 50 Euro)

Or Completion of 100h Online Yoga Nidra Meditation Teacher Training: Both Live Streaming & Recording Read More

Or Completion of any residential Yoga Meditation Course/Yoga meditation Retreat at Yoga Essence

Why Prerequisite Course for Joining our 200h/300h Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training plus 100h Yoga Nidra Training Course?

The prerequisite course will give you an experiential glimpse of our unique teaching approach to the Eight-limbs of Yoga & the teaching style of Bodhi Sattva Ji.

Through our prerequisite course, a student has an opportunity to learn a few fundamental yogic practices which are good preparatory practices before joining our residential teacher training program.

The prerequisite course helps a student to get more clarity on our unique course curriculum, course theme, and course contents of 200h/300h residential kundalini yoga teacher training plus 100h yoga nidra training

After completing the prerequisite course, a student can easily decide whether it is worth joining our residential in-person kundalini yoga teacher training course or not

What’s Included in the Course Fee:

28 Nights Shared or Private AC room accommodation with attached bath.

3 Ayurvedic Sattvic Nutritious fresh meals and herbal drinks (Gluten Free, Sugar Free Vegan Foods).

200+ page in-depth Course Manual which outlines applied yoga philosophy, details of yoga nidra steps & scripts, details of meditation techniques and their practice, mantras and their meanings, suggested reading materials, and more.

Hardcover textbook on Asana, Pranayama

Hardcover textbook on Meditation

Hardcover textbook on Yoga Nidra

Hardcover textbook on Yoga Anatomy

Around 25+ GB of course materials including PDF versions of books on yoga, yoga nidra, meditation, tracks of guided relaxation practices, music soundtracks for meditation techniques, mantras, kirtans, guided meditations, yogic quotes and discourses, and much more.

Ongoing support and feedback from teachers.


 Two Certifications

Our students get two certificates accredited from Yoga Alliance USA as follows:

Certification of 200 hour or 300 hour Kundalini Yoga teacher training.

Certification of 100 hours of Yoga Nidra teacher training.

With help of this double certifications our students can teach both yoga and yoga nidra professionally and confidently all over the world.


Who can join this 200 hour & 300 hour Kundalini Yoga TTC?

Students of all yoga levels who wants to be a certified yoga teacher all over the world.

Students who wants to deepen their understanding and experience kundalini yoga and yoga nidra in a single package.

Students of all yoga levels who don’t wish to become a kundalini yoga teacher, but interested to deepen their inner journey, Self-transformation, Self-growth etc.

Who can join this 200 hour & 300 hour Kundalini Yoga TTC?

Students of all yoga levels who wants to be a certified yoga teacher all over the world.

Students who wants to deepen their understanding and experience kundalini yoga and yoga nidra in a single package.

Students of all yoga levels who don’t wish to become a kundalini yoga teacher, but interested to deepen their inner journey, Self-transformation, Self-growth etc.

SYLLABUS OF 200 Hours & 300 Hours Kundalini Yoga TTC

Kundalini Yoga Sukshma Vyayamas

Mindful Body Movement & Subtle Energy Activation Practices

In the Kundalini Yoga Sukshma Vyayamas chapter, we prepare the basic foundation of classical kundalini yoga, where students understand and become aware of the subtle body movements and joint rotations. These subtle activities open up the higher centers of the central nervous system and initiates greater energy flow. These specific sukshama vyayamas will prepare the practitioner into the next step of traditional kundalini yoga postures.

Traditional Kundalini Yoga Asanas

Classical Kundalini Yoga Postures for Energy Awakening & Mindfulness

In this section, students will learn, experience and explore specific classical kundalini yoga postures to find greater stability, flexibility of the body and to start working on the Energy Body known as Pranamaya Kosha. These postures allows the practitioners to lay the a strong foundation for the opening up subtle energy channels ( to activate the energy channels and psychic energy centers. These kundalini yoga asanas will build a strong foundation for the practitioners to move in a steady and balanced flow into the subtler psychic dimensions of energy and consciousness.

  • Vajrasana
  • Suptavajrasana
  • Balasana
  • Shasankasana
  • Mandukasana
  • Yogamudrasana
  • Shimhasana
  • Ustrasana
  • Parvatasana
  • Pawanmuktasana
  • Ardha Pawanmuktasana
  • Naukasana
  • Setubandhasana
  • Chakrasana
  • Bhujanagasana
  • Shalabhasana
  • Ardha Shalabhasana
  • Makarasana
  • Dhanurasana
  • Janushirsasana
  • Paschimottanasana
  • Padmasana
  • Ardha Padmasana
  • Bharadwajasana
  • Gomukhasana
  • Vakrasana
  • Ardha Matsyenreyasana
  • Marjari Asana
  • Padahastasana
  • Trikonasana
  • Tadasana
  • Triyeka Tadasana
  • Katichakrasana
  • Utkatasana
  • Vrikshasana
  • Ashwasanchalanasana
  • Anjaneyasana
  • Padahastasana
  • Garudasana
  • Halasana
  • Ardha Halasana
  • Viparita Karni Asana
  • Sharvangasana
  • Shirsanana
  • Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) & Variations
  • Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation)
Pranayama for Energy Awakening & Mindfulness

Yogic Breathing Practices for Energy Expansion & Mindfulness

Yogic breathing practices known as pranayama is the most effective tool to transformation of our physical bioenergy into subtle Pranic force. They play an important role for the expansion and awakening of kundalini energy, activation of chakras and opening up the energy channels. Breathing practices are also key tools for controlling and stabilizing the mind and emotions. In this subject, we cover

  • Introduction to Breathing Science
  • Four Aspects of Breathing Patterns
  • Abdominal Breathing
  • Thoracic Breathing
  • Clavicular Breathing
  • Normal & Natural Breathing
  • Yogic Breathing Practices (Pranayama)
  • Importance & Benefits of Pranayama
  • Types of Pranayama Practices
  • Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (Alternative Nostril Breathing)
  • Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breathing)
  • Surya Bhedana Pranayama (Sun Piercing Breathing)
  • Chandra Bhedana Pranayama (Moon Piercing Breathing)
  • Bhramari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breathing)
  • Sheetali Pranayama (Cooling Breathing)
  • Sheetkari Pranayama (Cooling Breathing)
  • Bhastrika Pranayama (Bellow’s Breathing)
Traditional Kundalini Awakening Kriyas

Traditional Energy Awakening Kriyas & Practices

In this traditional kundalini yoga kriyas & practices, we would cover many specialized traditional energy awakening yogic kriyas, practices from different yoga traditions like Tantra Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Kundalini Yoga etc. These traditional kundalini kriyas allow the activation of prominent chakras and centering of energies for higher integration and oneness. These subtle and higher specialised kundalini yoga practices will allow the practitioner to explore…

  • Chakra Awareness & Activation Process
  • Psycho-Spiritual Energy Phenomenon
  • Kundalini Awakening Process
The Science of Meditation & Meditation Practices

Understanding the Science of Meditation, Traditional & Contemporary Meditation Practices

As far as meditation practice is concerned Yoga Essence Rishikesh holds a special status in India for imparting many classical and contemporary mediation techniques for awakening our psycho-spiritual energies and experiencing deeper peace & mindfulness in life.

Meditation is the most powerful and effective methods to awaken kundalini energy by transforming the negative thoughts and emotions into positive and creative. Meditation is a great help to experience higher energy flow towards upper chakras and experience a tangible peace in life. In this section, our students will learn and experience…

  • What is Meditation?
  • What is Mind
  • How to control the mind for Meditation?
  • What is the Science & Mechanism of Meditation?
  • What is Kundalini, Chakra, Nadi?
  • What is Kundalini Awakening?
  • How Chakra Activation happens?
  • How Meditation helps in Chakra Activations & Kundalini Awakening?
  • Kundalini Meditation
  • Chakra Sound Meditation
  • Chakra Beeja Mantra Meditation
  • Meditation for Mooladhar Chakra (Root Chakra)
  • Meditation for Swadhisthana Chakra (Sacral Chakra)
  • Meditation for Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra)
  • Meditation for Vishudhi Chakra (Heart Chakra)
  • Meditation for Ajna Chakra (Third-Eye Chakra)
  • Mantra Meditation for Energy Awakening
  • Kirtan Meditation
  • Om Meditation
  • Trataka Meditation
  • Mindfulness Meditation
  • Anapana Sati Yog Meditation
Yoga Nidra Teacher Training (Level 1)

For the detail syllabus of our 50 hours Yoga Nidra Teacher Training level 1, please visit our Yoga Nidra level 1 page

Mudras for Kundalini Yoga

Yogic Gestures for Energy Awakening

The practice of Mudras, the yogic gestures is one of the very effective tools to work on our subtle energies and bodies. Performing yogic gestures deeply affects our energy flow , channelling the energy inward and influence thought processes.

  • Jnana Mudra
  • Dhyana Mudra
  • Chin Mudra
  • Prana Mudra
  • Yoga Mudra
  • Hridaya Mudra
  • Bhairava Mudra
  • Shambhavi Mudra
  • Nasikagra Dristi Mudra
Bandhas for Kundalini Yoga

Yogic Energy Locks for Energy Awakening

Bandhas are specifically used in advanced Pranayama practices and some of very advanced Asana practices to channelize the energy that activates Chakras as well as to give upward direction to the energy flow through major energy channels.

  • Jalandhara Bandha
  • Moola Bandha
  • Uddiyana Bandha
  • Maha Bandha
Kundalini Yoga Philosophy & Psychology

Understanding the Philosophical Science of Yoga

Yoga Philosophy and Yoga Psychology are the integral part of Yogic Science to understand the science and logic behind numerous yogic practices. This topic lays the theoretical foundation of the yoga aspirants to get the right yogic prospective of the practices and their inner journey. It gives a first-hand guiding map on the path of yoga. It includes:

  • Introduction, Concept, Meaning & Definition of Yoga
  • The History and Origin of Raja Yoga & Hatha Yoga
  • Introduction to Kundalini Yoga
  • Importance of Kundalini Yoga
  • The Six Systems of Indian Yoga Philosophy
  • Sankhya and Yoga Philosophy
  • Chittabhumi – The five states of mind
  • Panchakosha – The Five Bodies or Sheaths
  • Purushartha – The Four Goals of Human Life
  • Ashrama – The Four Stages of Human Life
  • Antarayas – The Obstacles to Yoga
  • Samskaras – The Theory and Law of Karma
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutra – Concept & Practice of Eight-Fold Path
  • Major Yoga Traditions – Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga. Raja Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga or Laya Yoga.
  • The Science of Chakras, Kundalini & Nadis
  • Ethical Guidelines to Yoga Teachers
Kundalini Yoga Anatomy & Yogic Healing

Along with the ancient Yogic wisdom, contemporary knowledge of modern medical science greatly helps the students to understand the human body and the yogic practices on a scientific basis. Hence, Yoga anatomy and physiology subject is very helpful to understand the yogic practices through modern health science.

  • Anatomy of Human Body
  • Major Systems of Human Body
  • Skeleto-Muscular System
  • Respiratory System
  • Nervous System
  • Digestive System
  • Endocrine System
  • Postures, Muscles & Joints Coordination
  • Importance of Nervous System in Yogic Science
  • Understanding Eight-Limbs of Yoga in context of Anatomy & Physiology.
Teaching Practicum

Learning the Art of Teaching the science of Yoga

Learning the skills to impart the yogic practices and knowledge holds prime importance in yoga teacher training course. Through the topic teaching practicum, the students will learn the necessary procedures and techniques involved in imparting the science of yoga and yogic practices.

SYLLABUS OF 200 Hours & 300 Hours Kundalini Yoga TTC

Daily Schedule of 200 Hour & 300 Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC

06:00 amHerbal Detox Tea
06:15 amKundalini Yoga Asana Practice
07:30 amKundalini Kriyas, Pranayama & Mantra Chanting
08:45 amBreakfast
10:20 amMediation on Energy Awakening, Chakras, Kundalini
11:30 amEnergy Science, Mechanism & Anatomy/ Yoga Nidra Session
01:00 pmLunch & Rest
03:00 pmYoga Nidra Group-Practice/ Self-Practice
04:00 pmKundalini Yoga Asana Practice
05:20 pmHerbal Tea & Snacks
05:45 pmSatsang Meditation,Yoga Psychology & Philosophy
07:15 pmDinner
08:15 pmSpecial Q&A Sessions (Specific Days)
09:30 pmLight Off & Rest

Please Note: – The daily schedule is subject to change

More Details Of 200 Hour Or 300 Hours Kundalini Yoga TTC

Refund Policy

I. All applicants are advised to carefully consider the time and resources required for the training course before forwarding the application for any of the teacher training programs to Yoga Essence Rishikesh.

II. Upon acceptance of the course, the applicant will be required to make an advance deposit towards the course fees to reserve the spot which is non-refundable.

III. If the applicant withdraws from the program after acceptance and payments, but before the program starts, no refund will be provided.

IV. Yoga Essence does not give any refunds or credits after the training starts, or once the fee is paid in full.

V. However, for all the above, in case of emergencies and other unavoidable exigencies, Yoga Essence Rishikesh at its discretion permits students to select any other scheduled future training program within 6 months.

VI. No refunds will be given if the program removes a student from the course for bad conduct. Bad conduct is a violation of the Code of Conduct, harassment, bullying, or any other behavior that is inappropriate or disruptive to the welfare of the program or fellow students.

We, therefore, recommend that all applicants carefully examine their upcoming obligations so that they may be able to devote their full attention to the teacher training program.

Things to Bring

White clothing for Inaugural Ceremony & Graduation Ceremony

Metal Drinking Water Bottle, you can find in the nearby market also.

Minimum 32 GB memory stick/card to receive useful materials of the course.

Necessary props available at our yoga hall, but you can bring your own if feel so.

A Torch

A Plug Adaptor (You may need it)

Criteria for the Evaluation of Certification

For the assessments of certification, there will be a practical, written and oral test.

Students with Full Attendance will eligible for certification.

Students code of conduct and overall behavior will be considered for assessment of certification

Code of Conduct of Kundalini Yoga TTC

For the successful completion of the yoga teacher training course and certification, Yama– the social code of conduct and Niyama – the personal discipline is an integral part of the learning process. Yama and Niyama are considered the basic foundation for Yoga practices and transformation on the path of yoga. Hence the students are advised to maintain the following code of conducts:

Course disciplines are an integral part of the curriculum for the yoga teacher training; hence, all students should follow them sincerely.

Be present before the time for every class or you will not be allowed to join any class once it has started.

Without prior permission of the teacher or director, absenting yourself from the scheduled program will be considered a gross breach of discipline.

Disrespecting rules and regulations of the course and school could result in the termination of studentship with no refund of fee.

No guest or friend of any student is allowed to stay without prior permission from the school management.

During the training program, smoking, non-veg, alcohol or illegal drugs are strictly prohibited. Students who cannot comply will be asked to leave the course without any refund.

Positive team behavior and attitude of the students are required to continue the course.

Any negative, rude, and disruptive behaviors to anybody of school may result in the termination of studentship without any refund of the course fee.

Smoking, non-veg, alcohol and illegal drugs are not allowed during the training. Students who cannot comply with this rule will be asked to leave the course with no refund of the fees.

Code of Ethics of Kundalini Yoga TTC

We acknowledge and understand the sensitive and sacredness of the relationship between teachers and students. We understand and believe that it is the responsibility of all the yoga teachers to ensure a safe and protected environment in which a student can grow physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. All the Teachers of Yoga Essence for the yoga teacher training course are responsible to uphold the following Code of Ethics for the highest professional standards.

All students are welcomed by us with deep respect and friendliness. We do not discriminate against or refuse professional help to anyone based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or national origin.

We use only appropriate methods of touch when assisting students, and we understand that all forms of sexual behavior or harassment with the student are unethical.

During the course, we hold and maintain professional relationship boundaries at all times.

We uphold our public and private affairs with honesty in all financial, material, emotional and spiritual interactions.

Regarding the benefits of yoga, we make only realistic statements, when we use our yogic knowledge and skills while assisting a student for their benefit.

We respect the dignity, rights, and privacy of all students. We treat all communications from students with professional confidence and trust.

Attendance Policy

Yoga Essence Rishikesh, require 100% attendance to graduate and receive a certificate of completion from our programs. Class attendance will be taken throughout the training. In the case of any emergency absences, please notify the lead teacher immediately. If a student has planned absences that conflict with attendance in the program, please contact the lead teacher to discuss options. For online classes, pre-recorded classroom teaching will be uploaded on google shared drive for self-study.

Each student is responsible for scheduling make-up time with the lead teacher. Each student is expected to be at each session 10 minutes before the start time to set up so that the training may start on time. A leave of absence from the program will be granted due to medical disability or other extraordinary circumstances at the discretion of the lead teacher. In this case, our refund policy will apply to unused tuition and the student must reapply for the upcoming scheduled programs/session. If tuition fees are increased for the next available session, the student must pay the higher rate.

Reinvigorate Mind, Body & Soul

Words from the hearts of our students

What Participants Shared

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