A man in white robes meditates.

Join Neo Reiki and Meditation Training in Rishikesh India

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A Journey from Healing to Wholeness

Neo-Reiki Training Course
A powerful multi-dimensional transformative training course, guiding
individuals towards reiki energy healing, energy expansion, and spiritual

What is Reiki Healing Practice?

The Reiki Healing is a natural, holistic energy healing practice that channels universal life force energy through the body of the giver and directing into the body of the receiver to promote physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being of the receiver. Originating from Japan, developed by Mikao Usui, Reiki is grounded in the principles of energy balance and healing through gentle touch or by working with the energy field around the body of the receiver. The word “Reiki” is derived from two Japanese words: Rei: means Universal wisdom and Ki: means Life force energy, similar to the concept of “prana” in yogic system. Hence reiki means “universal life force energy,” which flows through all living beings.

What is Neo-Reiki Healing Practice?

Neo-Reiki is an evolution of the traditional Japanese Usui System of Reiki Natural Healing, enriched by the insights of the enlightened spiritual master Osho on healing and awakening. This neo-reiki approach integrates new dimensions to the ancient reiki practice by introducing meditation, personal transformation and self-awareness as integral part of healing process. In Neo Reiki, the term “Neo” signifies “New,” indicating the infusion of Osho insights of Osho on healing, energy work and awakening to the traditional Reiki framework. Neo-Reiki focuses on awakening and integrating dormant energies within the subtle bodies, facilitating a journey towards healing, wholeness and self-discovery. A distinctive feature of Neo Reiki is the integration of active meditations and mindfulness practices of Osho that deepen the expansion of energy, bringing higher awareness and sensitivity into the world of traditional reiki healing. This holistic approach of reiki with meditation practices aims to bring profound balance and healing aspects to chakras, energy channels and fostering a deeper connection with oneself and the universal life force. Neo Reiki serves as a powerful multi-dimensional transformative tool, guiding individuals towards healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth.

A Close Look of Traditional Reiki Vs Neo Reiki

Osho Neo Reiki differentiates itself from traditional Reiki in several key ways, blending the ancient healing practice with active meditations and transformative insights of Osho on healing, energy expansion and inner wellbeing. Here’s how Osho Neo Reiki stands apart:

1. Integration of Meditation and Mindfulness Practices

Focuses primarily on channelling universal energy for healing and balancing physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects.

Combines Reiki with active and passive meditation techniques of Osho and others. This addition helps the practitioners to cultivate deeper self-awareness, release accumulated supressed energies and emotional blockages, and connect more profoundly with their heart and inner being.

2. Expanded Scope of Healing and Growth

Stays rooted in the original Usui System, emphasizing energy transfer and healing through standardized practices.

Introduces the concept of “Neo” (new), which brings an innovative perspective to energy healing and awakening. It emphasizes not only healing but also spiritual growth of the giver and receiver, awakening dormant energies, and exploring consciousness through a more personal and experiential approach.

3. Focus on Inner Transformation

Primarily focuses on physical and emotional healing through energy balancing.

Treats the reiki healing process as a gateway to inner transformation and self- discovery. It encourages practitioners to journey into self-realization and awakening beyond healing.

4. Use of Symbols and Techniques

Uses traditional symbols and mantras introduced in the second degree for enhancing the healing process and facilitating distant healing.

While it incorporates these symbols, it enriches their use with numerous meditation and energy work practices, yogic insights and adding deeper layers of understanding and application to the use of reiki healing.

5. Healing & Teaching Approach and Experience

Offers a structured system with established hand positions and protocols for healing. Often follows a rigid framework for degrees and attunements.

Encourages a more fluid and intuitive approach. Practitioners are guided to connect with their unique energy and inner experiences, making each session deeply personal. Aligns the teaching process with Osho’s insights, often involving meditation, metaphysical energy work, and techniques to expand consciousness alongside traditional attunements.


Offering contemporary, dynamic, and integrative approach to healing, wellbeing and self-discovery; Neo Reiki Training courses are versatile and impactful programs for healing, holistic wellbeing, personal growth and developing a deep connection with universal life energy.

Structure of Neo Reiki Courses and Attunements

Each level of neo reiki training courses combines theoretical knowledge with experiential learning, emphasizing meditation, self-awareness, practical application and nurturing a deeper connection with one’s inner self and the universal reiki energy.

1. First Degree Neo-Reiki Training & Reiki Attunements – 4 Days

Foundations for Energy Healing and Reiki Attunements: Participants receive an initiation to connect with universal life force energy, opening their energy channels.

Hand Positions and Procedures: Learning different hand positions for reiki healing and detailed procedures for entire body reiki energy healing sessions for self-healing and giving reiki healing sessions to others.

Energy Awakening Meditation Mindfulness Practices: Active meditation and mindfulness practices for energy awakening, enhancing energy sensitivity and mindfulness, regaining self-love, strength, and dignity.

Practical Application: Emphasis on integrating neo reiki into daily life for personal healing, wellbeing and balance.

2. Second Degree Neo-Reiki Training & Reiki Attunements – 4 Days

Diving into deeper levels of consciousness, utilizing specific Reiki Symbols to enhance healing, balancing, energy work and distance neo-reiki healing. Focusing on higher personal growth aspects such as self-awareness, self-love, emotional healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth.

3. Advanced Neo Reiki & Energy Work Training Part 1&2- 5 Days

Part 1:

Regaining self-love exercises

Heart opening practices

Energy reading and integration of meditations into reiki healing process.

Part 2:

Regaining strength and mastery of reiki symbols

Understanding the versatile uses of reiki symbols.

Exploring and healing the subtle energy bodies and energy centers.

Reiki therapist roles and responsibilities to guide others in Neo reiki practices.

4. Master Degree Neo-Reiki Training & Attunements – 4 Days

Preparing experienced practitioners to teach and initiate others into Neo Reiki. Understanding the science and mechanism of Neo-Reiki Healing and other energy healing systems. Reiki therapist roles and responsibilities Facilitation Skills: Preparing to guide others in Osho Neo Reiki practices.

Benefits of Neo Reiki Teacher Training Courses

Neo Reiki Healing Training Courses are transformative journey towards healing, wholeness, peace, and self-realization. Their benefits ripple across all dimensions of life, offering a deeper connection with oneself and the universal life energy.

1. Physical Healing and Enhancing Vitality

Neo Reiki course supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself by improving energy flow to affected areas through reiki practice and initiation with energy awakening meditation and mindfulness practices. These practices enhance the energy levels of the participants by clearing energy channels, energy blockages.

2. Holistic Energy Alignment and Flow:

The Program helps the participants in harmonizing and creating a smooth flow of life force energy by removing negative energy, cleansing aura enhancing overall vitality. Also strengthens the energetic boundaries, shielding against external negativity.

3. Mental Clarity and Focus

Neo reiki sessions and meditation helps the participant tremendously to calm down the overactive mind, bringing more stillness and clarity. The process also enhances focus, clears the mental fogs and improves decision-making capabilities of the participants by replacing limiting beliefs and thought patterns with constructive, empowering thoughts and ideas to grow into higher dimensions of life

4. Emotional Balance and Release

Helps to release suppressed emotions and tensions stored in the body-mind. Neo reiki and active meditation practices induces deep relaxation, calming the nervous system and reducing stress, anxiety and restlessness. Helps in promoting emotional balance, stability and awareness by cultivating mindfulness, allowing you to observe the thoughts and emotions without judgment.

5. Personal Transformation and Growth

The whole process opens a unique opportunity for the participants in cultivating self-awareness, introspection that helps for better understanding about himself and the obsessive patterns. The practices build confidence and self-worth by connecting with one’s inner strength. Bringing attention to the present moment, reducing worry about the past or future assists the practitioner in navigating the challenges of life with grace, serenity and clarity.

6. Spiritual Growth and Awareness

The training program helps in awakening and enhancing the intuitive abilities by connecting with universal consciousness and life force. It helps you align with your higher self and explore deeper dimensions of being by developing the awareness of subtle energy fields and a sense of oneness and connection with the universe. Neo reiki training program encourages the participants to move into a journey of inner exploration and spiritual insights.

Who Can Benefit Most?

Therapists and Healers who are sincerely seeking to explore and embrace the science of reiki energy healing and self-transformation

Practitioners of Meditation and Yoga who wish to enhance their energy sensitivity, maintain energy flow and deepen their practice of meditation through reiki energy healing.

Busy Professionals who want to explore a new tool for their stress management, healing, wellbeing and maintaining balance in daily life.

Spiritual Seekers for exploring inner dimensions, energy expansions and grow into higher states of compassion through reiki healing.

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